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2930 data publications found
UKGEOS Glasgow Geothermal Ground Gas, 2018 and 2019 Surveys.
British Geological Survey
Data produced during three BGS ground gas surveys (August 2018, and May and October 2019) of up to 83 point measurements across four pre-determined locations within the UK Geoenergy Observatories (UKGEOS) Glasgow site, located to the south of the Cuningar Loop Woodland Park. The dataset...
Flexural flow folding and the paleomagnetic fold test: An example of strain reorientation of remanence in the Mauch Chunk Formation (Dataset)
J. Stamatakos | K. P. Kodama
Paleomagnetic, rock magnetic, or geomagnetic data found in the MagIC data repository from a paper titled: Flexural flow folding and the paleomagnetic fold test: An example of strain reorientation of remanence in the Mauch Chunk Formation
X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy analysis for major and minor trace elements in sediment samples from the west Antarctic Peninsula Shelf from JR15003.
Henley, Sian Frances | Odling, Nicholas
This dataset contains concentrations of major and minor elements from upper sediment samples, collected at three Collaborative Gearing Scheme (CGS) stations along the West Antarctic Peninsula (WAP) during cruise JR15003. Samples were collected by box coring, at the beginning of the ice-free...
Raw experimental data from experiments measuring crystal structure and acoustic velocities of calcium silicate perovskite
Andrew R Thomson, University College London
High-pressure multi anvil synchrotron data from ID06-LVP at the ESRF. Contains diffraction, radiography, MHz ultrasonic and calibration data from experiments performed to ~ 13 GPa on CaSiO3 perovskite and Ca[Si60Ti40]O3 perovskite samples.
Nama Group geochemistry
Rosalie Tostevin, University College London
Rare earth element, major and minor element, and iron speciation data for nine independent sections in the Nama Group, described in detail in Wood et al., 2015, Precambrian Research, and Tostevin et al., 2016, Nature Communications. Additional data for Zebra River section include sulfur...
Geochemistry and geochronology data relating to the II-RHY-1 tephra horizon, the Thórsmörk Ignimbrite, and Torfajökull and Tindfjallajökull volcanoes, Iceland.
Jonathan Moles, The Open University
The data are associated with a paper entitled ‘Widespread tephra dispersal and ignimbrite emplacement from a subglacial volcano (Torfajökull, Iceland)’ by J Moles et al. (2019). See paper for full details. Data types: major element geochemistry; trace element geochemistry; 40Ar/39Ar...
Data associated with 'Rapid trans-crustal magma movement under Iceland' by Mutch et al. (2019)
Euan Mutch, University of Cambridge
Primary data, model initial conditions, model results, a compiled database of olivine diffusivity experiments and supplementary tables used in the paper: 'Mutch, E. J. F., Maclennan J., Shorttle, O., Edmonds, M. & Rudge, J. F., (2019), Rapid trans-crustal magma movement under Iceland, Nature...
Silica rheology data
Simon Hunt, University College London
Synchrotron X-radiography (images) and diffraction data collected to measure rheology of Quartz coesite and stishovite.
Relative Permeability and Flow Intermittency Measurements Using X-Ray Micro-tomography in a Complex Microporous Carbonate
Ying Gao, Imperial College London | Ali Q. Raeini, Imperial College London | Martin J. Blunt, Imperial College London | Branko Bijeljic, Imperial College London
We imaged the steady-state flow of brine and decane at different fractional flows during dual injection in a micro-porous limestone using X-ray micro-tomography. We applied differential imaging on Estaillades carbonate to (a) distinguish micro-porous regions from macro-pores, and (b)...
Palaeomagnetism of middle Ordovician volcanic rocks from Quebec (Dataset)
Maurice K. -Seguin
Paleomagnetic, rock magnetic, or geomagnetic data found in the MagIC data repository from a paper titled: Palaeomagnetism of middle Ordovician volcanic rocks from Quebec