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2930 data publications found
Core Flood Experiments on carbonate rocks
Sojwal Manoorkar
Medical CT scans for drainage multiphase flow through carbonate rock cores. The steady state drainage multiphase flow at elevated pressure using nitrogen and DI water, are carried out for three heterogeneous carbonate rocks to characterize the impact of heterogeneity on flow. Core Floods are...
Physical and visual effects of ocean acidification on cold-water coral (<em>Lophelia pertusa</em>) skeleton samples from the Southern California Bight, USA (2010-2015) and the Mingulay Reef Complex, UK (2012).
Hennige, Sebastian | Wolfram, Uwe | Wickes, Leslie | Murray, Fiona | Schofield, Sebastian | Kamenos, Nicholas A | Roberts, John Murray | Groetsch, Alexander | Spiesz, Ewa | Aubin-Tam, Marie-Eve | Etnoyer, Peter
This dataset contains visual and physical analyses of the impacts of ocean acidification on the skeletons of the cold-water coral Lophelia pertusa. Visual analysis includes synchrotron images from the Diamond Light Source and electron back scatter diffraction images on polished coral skeletons....
Detailed water quality parameters, including methane concentrations and isotopic composition, for groundwater springs discharging from open system pingos in Adventdalen, Svalbard (2014-2017)
Hodson, Andrew
Adventdalen is a medium-sized (513 km^2) catchment in continuous permafrost zone of central Spitsbergen. It has 11.7 % glacier cover, a large flat valley floor comprised of uplifted, glaciomarine sediments, covered in the lower part by a veneer of aeolian sediments up to 4 m thick. The...
North Atlantic sea-level variability during the last half-millennium - salt-marsh proxy records of relative sea-level change along the coast of North America.
Gehrels, W Roland | Dangendorf, Soenke | Barlow, Natasha L M | Saher, Margot H | Long, Antony J | Woodworth, Philip L | Piecuch, Christopher G | Berk, Kevin
This dataset contains foraminifera abundance data and chronological information for samples taken from surface sediments and tidal marsh cores from sites at Chezzetcook (Nova Scotia), Sanborn Cove (Maine), and Barn Island (Connecticut). Relative sea-level (RSL) data has been determined by...
Chronological and biomarker reconstructed mean summer air temperatures (MSAT) for the past 6,000 years from lake sediments on Annenkov Island (near South Georgia) and the South Shetland Islands
Roberts, Stephen | Pearson, Emma | Foster, Louise | Juggins, Steven
The dataset contains chronological and biomarker compound and brGDGT (branched Glyceryl Dialkyl Glyceryl Tetraether) mean summer temperature (MSAT) data for the last c. 6,000 years from sediments extracted from Fan Lake on Annenkov Island (near South Georgia) and Yanou Lake, King George Island,...
Mesozoic paleomagnetism of the Taigonos Peninsula, the Sea of Okhotsk: implications to kinematics of continental and oceanic plates (Dataset)
Mikhail L. Bazhenov | Maxim V. Alexutin | Grigory E. Bondarenko | Sergey D. Sokolov
Paleomagnetic, rock magnetic, or geomagnetic data found in the MagIC data repository from a paper titled: Mesozoic paleomagnetism of the Taigonos Peninsula, the Sea of Okhotsk: implications to kinematics of continental and oceanic plates
Dynamic reservoir-condition microtomography of reactive transport in complex carbonates: Effect of initial pore structure and initial brine pH in Ketton, Estaillades, and Portland Limestones.
Hannah Menke | Qatar Carbonates And Carbon Storage Research Centre
A laboratory µ-CT scanner was used to image the dissolution of Ketton, Estaillades, and Portland limestones in the presence of CO2-acidified brine at reservoir conditions (10 MPa and 50 °C) at two injected acid strengths for a period of 4 h. Each sample was scanned between 6 and 10 times at...
Data accompanying: Emmings et al. A Mississippian Black Shale Record of Redox Oscillation. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology [submitted July 2019]
Joseph Emmings
This is a geochemical dataset accompanying Emmings, J., Poulton, S., Vane, C., Davies, S., Jenkin, G., Stephenson, M., Leng, M., Lamb, A., Moss-Hayes, V. A Mississippian Black Shale Record of Redox Oscillation. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology [submitted July 2019]. This...
10Be surface exposure age data from Mt Murphy, Marie Byrd Land, Antarctica
Johnson, Joanne S. | Roberts, Stephen J. | Rood, Dylan H. | Schaefer, Joerg M. | Smith, James A.
This dataset comprises 52 cosmogenic 10Be surface exposure ages and associated analytical data from quartz-bearing rocks from Mount Murphy and surrounding nunataks in Marie Byrd Land, Antarctica. The samples - glacial erratics and bedrock - were collected between 2006 and 2016 by Joanne...
Permafrost and active layer biogeochemical data from Adventdalen (2015-2017)
Jones, Eleanor
These data are (1) porewater extractions of cores of the permafrost and active layer of Adventdalen, Svalbard, (2) solid-phase extractions of the same cores, and (3) in-situ porewater sampling from the end of the summer, 2017. The aqueous parameters are: major ions (Ca²⁺, Mg²⁺, Na⁺, K⁺, Cl⁻,...