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Applied Filters
2930 data publications found
Visualizing Cyanobacterial Biofilms in 3D Using Micro-Computed Tomography
Schröer, Laurenz
This data package contains all the reconstructed µCT scans that were analyzed and displayed in the publication from Schröer et al. titled 3D Visualization of Cyanobacterial Biofilms using Micro-Computed Tomography with Contrast-Enhancing Staining Agents. The goal of this research and this...
Which Ion Dominates Temperature and Pressure Response of Halide Perovskites and Elpasolites?
Muscarella, Loreta A. | Jöbsis, Huygen J.
Halide perovskite and elpasolite semiconductors are extensively studied for optoelectronic applications due to their excellent performance together with significant chemical and structural flexibility. However, there is still limited understanding of how their basic elastic properties vary with...
New early Jurassic paleopole from France and Jurassic apparent polar wander (Dataset)
B. Sichler | M. Perrin
Paleomagnetic, rock magnetic, or geomagnetic data found in the MagIC data repository from a paper titled: New early Jurassic paleopole from France and Jurassic apparent polar wander
Micro Computational Tomography, Acoustic Emission and rock temperature data from frost weathering tests on Dachstein Limestone
Draebing, Daniel
We tested the efficacy of frequent diurnal freeze-thaw cycles (FT-1) and sustained freezing cycles (FT-2) on low-porosity Dachstein limestone (0.1 % porosity). For FT-1, we exposed three rock samples with different saturation regimes (30%, 70%, 100%) to 20 freeze-thaw cycles between 10 and...
Supplement to: Sandbox Rheometry: Co-Evolution of Stress and Strain in Riedel- and Critical Wedge-Experiments
Ritter, Malte Christian | Santimano, Tasca | Rosenau, Matthias | Leever, Karen | Oncken, Onno
This dataset is supplementary to the article of Ritter et al. (2017). In this article, a new experimental device is presented that facilitates precise measurements of boundary forces and surface deformation at high temporal and spatial resolution. This supplementary dataset contains the...
Supplement to: Scaling the Sand Box - Mechanical (Dis-) Similarities of Granular Materials and Brittle Rock
Ritter, Malte Christian | Leever, Karen | Rosenau, Matthias | Oncken, Onno
The dataset presented here contains the results of mechanical testing of two granular materials (quartz sand and glass micro beads) that are commonly used in analogue tectonic experiments. The data were acquired using a ring-shear tester RST-01.pc [Schulze, 1994]. Tests were performed at...
Digital image correlation data from analogue modeling experiments addressing mechanisms of overprinting translational domains in passive margin salt basins
Ge, Zhiyuan | Rosenau, Matthias | Warsitzka, Michael | Rudolf, Michael | Gawthorpe, Robert
This data set includes the results of digital image correlation of three experiments on gravitational tectonics at passive margins performed at the Helmholtz Laboratory for Tectonic Modelling (HelTec) of the GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences in Potsdam in the framework of EPOS...
Data supplement to: New analogue materials for nonlinear lithosphere rheology, with an application to slab break-off
Broerse, Taco | Norder, Ben | Picken, Stephen | Govers, Rob | Willingshofer, Ernst | Sokoutis, Dimitrios
This dataset provides strain and strain rate data on mixtures of plasticine, silicone oils and iron powder that has been used in slab break-of analogue experiments in the Tectonic Laboratory (TecLab) at Utrecht University (NL) as an analogue for viscously deforming lithosphere. The materials...
Detrital magnetite and chromite in Jack Hills quartzite cobbles: Further evidence for the preservation of primary magnetizations and new insights into sediment provenance (Dataset)
Matthew S. Dare | John A. Tarduno | Richard K. Bono | Rory D. Cottrell | James S. Beard | Kenneth P. Kodama
Paleomagnetic, rock magnetic, or geomagnetic data found in the MagIC data repository from a paper titled: Detrital magnetite and chromite in Jack Hills quartzite cobbles: Further evidence for the preservation of primary magnetizations and new insights into sediment provenance
Supplement to: The influence of detachment strength on the evolving deformational energy budget of physical accretionary prisms
McBeck, Jessica | Cooke, Michele | Souloumiac, Pauline | Maillot, Bertrand | Mary, Baptiste
Tracking the evolution of the deformational energy budget within accretionary systems provides insight into the driving mechanisms that control fault development. To quantify the impact of these mechanisms on overall system efficiency, we estimate energy budget components as the first thrust...