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Applied Filters
2930 data publications found
Supplement to "Analogue earthquakes and seismic cycles: Experimental modelling across timescales"
Rosenau, Matthias | Corbi, Fabio | Dominguez, Stephane | Rudolf, Michael | Ritter, Malte | Pipping, Elias
This data set contains various data derived from rock and rock analogue testing and analogue models which are presented in Rosenau et al. (2016) to which these data are supplement to.. A first group of data contains animations of complementary analogue and numerical models of subduction zone...
Supplementary material for analogue experiments on the interactions of two indenters, and their implications for curved fold-and-thrust-belts
Reiter, Karsten | Kukowski, Nina | Ratschbacher, Lothar | Rosenau, Matthias
This data publication includes animations and figures of eight scaled analogue models that are used to investigate the evolution of a curved mountain belt akin to the Pamir and Hindu Kush orogenic system and adjacent Tadjik basin. Crustal deformation is simulated by means of indentation of...
GeoMod2008 materials benchmark: The SEM image dataset
Klinkmüller, Matthias | Kemnitz, Helga | Schreurs, Guido | Rosenau, Matthias
This dataset provides images from scanning electron microscope (SEM) photography of natural and artificial granular materials used for experimental simulation by the analogue geodynamic modelling community (21 sands and glass beads). The material samples have been collected community-wide and...
Host Rock Variability Powers the Diversity of Steam-Driven Eruptions
Montanaro, Cristian | Cronin, Shane J. | Scheu , Bettina Scheu | Kennedy, Ben | Scott, Bradley J. | Dingwell, Donald B.
Steam-driven eruptions are explosions that frequently occur in volcanic and geothermal areas. They are powered by the sudden release and expansion of steam and liquid water trapped under high pressure within the pore spaces of host rocks. We have experimentally studied how the strength of...
GeoMod2008 materials benchmark: The ring shear test dataset
Klinkmüller, Matthias | Schreurs, Guido | Rosenau, Matthias
This dataset provides friction data from ring shear test (RST) on natural and artificial granular materials used for experimental simulation by the analogue geodynamic modelling community (21 sands and glass beads). The material samples have been collected community-wide and analysed at GFZ...
GeoMod2008 materials benchmark: The axial test dataset
Klinkmüller, Matthias | Schreurs, Guido | Rosenau, Matthias
This dataset provides compaction data from axial testing on natural and artificial granular materials used for experimental simulation by the analogue geodynamic modelling community (21 sands and glass beads). The material samples have been collected community-wide and analysed at GFZ Potsdam...
Supplement to: Rheological benchmark of silicone oils used for analog modeling of short- and long-term lithospheric deformation
Rudolf, Michael | Boutelier, David | Rosenau, Matthias | Schreurs, Guido | Oncken, Onno
The datasets that are presented here have been obtained to provide a rheological benchmark of silicones used in various analog modeling laboratories. The data contains rheological measurements of several polydimethylsiloxanes (PDMS) and filled silicone oils. The samples of eight different...
Centrifuge models investigating the influence of transverse pre-existing weaknesses on continental rifting
Corti, Giacomo | Sordi, Riccardo | Cucci, Federica
We present the results of centrifuge experiments investigating the role of preexisting crustal discontinuity on continental rifting. Specifically, we reproduce inherited weaknesses, orthogonal to the rift trend and parallel to the extension direction, and analyze their influence on the...
Brittle models of fault-volcano interactions during extension
De Matteo, Ada | Corti, Giacomo | van Wyk de Vries, Benjamin | Massa, Bruno | Mussetti, Giulio
This dataset contains 11 top view photographs of fault pattern in sand surfaces from a series of analogue tectonic experiments run to investigate the interaction between faults and volcanic features in areas characterized by pure extension, such as in rift areas...
Late Paleozoic remagnetization of Precambrian crystalline rocks along the Precambrian/Carboniferous nonconformity, Rocky Mountains: a relationship among deformation, remagnetization, and fluid migration (Dataset)
John W. Geissman | Stephen S. Harlan
Paleomagnetic, rock magnetic, or geomagnetic data found in the MagIC data repository from a paper titled: Late Paleozoic remagnetization of Precambrian crystalline rocks along the Precambrian/Carboniferous nonconformity, Rocky Mountains: a relationship among deformation, remagnetization, and...