Dataset for Effectiveness of Injection protocols for hydraulic stimulation in Enhanced Geothermal Systems

Tangirala, Sri Kalyan; Parisio, Francesco; Vaezi, Iman; Vilarrasa, Víctor;

This dataset includes the input files of the numerical models used in the manuscript for simulating the hydraulic stimulation in Enhanced Geothermal System with a single fracture setup. Each folder is named after the corresponding injection protocol in the manuscript, i.e., Constant, Step, and Cyclic. In each of these folders, there are two subfolders namely- Without Bleedoff and With Bleedoff. In the subfolders, the file ending with “_gen.dat” contains the input data of the model, including material properties, initial and boundary conditions and the time intervals. There is also a file ending with “_gri.dat” that includes the information on the mesh. The file “root.dat” includes the name of the model.

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Source publisher DIGITAL.CSIC
DOI 10.20350/DIGITALCSIC/15558
  • Tangirala, Sri Kalyan

  • Parisio, Francesco

  • Vaezi, Iman

  • Vilarrasa, Víctor
  • DataManager

  • HostingInstitution
Citation Tangirala, S. K., Parisio, F., Vaezi, I., & Vilarrasa, V. (2023). Dataset for Effectiveness of Injection protocols for hydraulic stimulation in Enhanced Geothermal Systems [Data set]. DIGITAL.CSIC.