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Data Publication

Matlab files used to produce the figures in the publication: On the Derivation of Closed-Form Expressions for Displacements, Strains and Stresses Inside Poroelastic Reservoirs

Pavan Cornelissen | Jan Dirk Jansen



MATLAB code to recreate figures from the paper:

Cornelissen, P., Meulenbroek, B.J., Jansen, J.D., (2023). On the Derivation of Closed-Form Expressions for Displacements, Strains and Stresses Inside Poroelastic Reservoirs. Submitted to JGR Solid Earth.

The MATLAB scripts are used to compute the analytical solution for the poroelastic strain and stress field for rectangular and triangular reservoirs. The analytical solutions have been derived using inclusion theory (Equations 40-42 and 45-47 of the associated manuscript). The purpose of these scripts is to verify the analytical solutions by computing the strain discontinuity across the inclusion boundary and computing the volumetric strain in and outside the inclusion, and to show an example of an application of inclusion theory to reservoir depletion. These scripts produce Figures 5, 6, and 9 of the associated manuscript.


Originally assigned keywords
Earth Sciences
Inclusion theory
Induced seismicity
Analytical solution
Nucleus of strain
Displaced fault

Corresponding MSL vocabulary keywords
Induced seismicity
induced seismicity
tectonic fault

MSL enriched keywords
antropogenic setting
Induced seismicity
induced seismicity
tectonic deformation structure
tectonic fault
Inferred deformation behavior
deformation behaviour
poroelastic deformation
Measured property
Measured property

MSL enriched sub domains i

rock and melt physics
analogue modelling of geologic processes

Source publisher





Pavan Cornelissen

Jan Dirk Jansen


TU Delft, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences, Department of Geoscience and Engineering



Cornelissen, P., & Jansen, J. D. (2023). Matlab files used to produce the figures in the publication: On the Derivation of Closed-Form Expressions for Displacements, Strains and Stresses Inside Poroelastic Reservoirs (Version 1) [Data set]. 4TU.ResearchData. https://doi.org/10.4121/2A5313EB-BCE4-47AB-B757-1E3435A84506.V1