Granular Healing - Python module associated to the 2022 GeoMod material benchmark

Rudolf, Michael;

2023-03 || GFZ Data Services

The software is provided as an executable python module. The software automatically analyzes the files present in the data publication. The results are saved in the form of the images presented in the main publication. Each figure is implemented as a dedicated function that first loads the necessary data, then does some processing steps, such as curve fitting, and then plots the outputs in the desired layout. A 'main' function calls all figure functions sequentially. However, the packages is modular so that each individual plot has a standalone function which could be used with other, similarly structured data. Several submodules provide additional data for plotting, e.g. the 'groups' submodule that contains naming schemes and the densities for all samples.

Originally assigned keywords

Corresponding MSL vocabulary keywords

MSL enriched keywords

Originally assigned sub domains
  • analogue modelling of geologic processes
Source publisher GFZ Data Services
DOI 10.5880/fidgeo.2023.010
License GNU Lesser General Public License (Version 3, 29 June 2007) (C) 2022 Rudolf, Michael (TU Darmstadt, Germany)
  • Rudolf, M., Rosenau, M., & Oncken, O. (2023). Slide-Hold-Slide Data of Granular Materials Used In Analogue Modelling [Data set]. GFZ Data Services.
  • 10.5880/fidgeo.2023.009
  • IsSupplementTo

  • IsVariantFormOf
  • Rudolf, Michael
  • Technical University Darmstadt
Citation Rudolf, M. (2023). Granular Healing - Python module associated to the 2022 GeoMod material benchmark. GFZ Data Services.