Authors |
- Reitano, Riccardo
- 0000-0002-6295-5588
- Department of Science, University of Rome “Roma TRE”, Laboratory of Experimental Tectonics, Rome, Italy
- Clementucci, Romano
- 0000-0003-2332-5812
- Department of Science, University of Rome “Roma TRE”, Laboratory of Experimental Tectonics, Rome, Italy
- Conrad, Ethan M.
- 0000-0002-4958-7274
- Department of Geological Sciences, Jackson School of Geosciences, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX, USA
- Corbi, Fabio
- 0000-0003-2662-3065
- National Research Council - CNR, Istituto di Geologia Ambientale e Geoingegneria, Italy
- Lanari, Riccardo
- 0000-0002-8304-6367
- Department of Earth Science, University of Florence, Florence, Italy
- Faccenna, Claudio
- 0000-0003-0765-4165
- Department of Science, University of Rome “Roma TRE”, Laboratory of Experimental Tectonics, Rome, Italy
- Bazzucchi, Chiara
- 0000-0003-1003-2746
- Department of Science, University of Rome “Roma TRE”, Laboratory of Experimental Tectonics, Rome, Italy
References |
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