TECMOD-F (French Tectonic Modeling network) is a national collaborative
network involving French laboratories developing research projects
integrating analog or experimental modeling techniques dedicated to the
study of geological processes where tectonics plays a significant role.
All the scales of time and space are investigated, including long term
orogenic processes to morphogenetic processes, until short term seismic
deformation, from the deformation at the scale of the lithosphere up to
the fracturation and faulting at the scale of a massif or a rock sample.
To date, 9 laboratories are connected to the network; Géosciences
Rennes, Géosciences Montpellier, GéoSystèmes Lille, GéoAzur, GéophyLab
Nantes, Géosciences Environnement Toulouse, Géosciences et environnement
Cergy, Magma et Volcan Clermont-Ferrand, FAST Orsay. The National Center
for Scientific Research (CNRS-INSU) and the Ministry of Higher
Education, Research and Innovation (MESRI) insures the legal
coordination within the consortium. List of the main institutes and
partners of the TECTMOD-F network: National Institute for Earth Sciences
and Astronomy (CNRS-INSU), The French Geological Survey (BRGM), The
National Research Institute for Sustainable Development (IRD), French
and international private companies such as : TOTAL, Schlumberger, IFP
Energies Nouvelles, REPSOL, …
The internal coordination of the consortium is insured in a collective
way and managed by the representatives of laboratories and partners:
Géosciences Rennes (B. Guillaume), Géosciences Montpellier (S.
Dominguez), GéoSystèmes Lilles (B. Vendeville), GéoAzur (A. Chemenda),
GéophyLab Nantes (R. Mourgues), Géosciences Environnement Toulouse (S.
Bonnet), Géosciences et environnement Cergy (P. Souloumiac), Magma et
Volcan Clermont-Ferrand (O. Roche), FAST Orsay (A. Davaille).