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Laboratory Equipment

INGV-RM1 - HPHT lab: microanalytical facility

Microscopy and tomography


The Electron Microprobe Laboratory is equipped with JEOL JXA-iSP100 electron microprobe, with five wavelength dispersive spectrometers (12 crystals), an energy dispersive spectrometer and transmission illuminator. The instrument is designed to measure qualitatively composition of a solid polished material on a microscale with high precision (within one percent relative for major constituents) and low detection limits (commonly a few tens to few hundreds ppm). Sample of interest can be as small as a few microns across. Built on the base of scanning electron microscope it has all the capabilities of SEM too. Specifications : - Accelerating voltage: 10-30 kV - Probe current: 5-1000 nA - Samples type: thin sections and one-inch epoxy-samples.




Electron Probe Micro Analyzer (EPMA)


Electron Probe Micro Analyzer

Scios 2 LV (FIB-SEM)

The Electron Microscopy Laboratory is equipped with a Scios 2 LV (FIB-SEM). The Scios 2 LV is an ultra-high-resolution analytical focused ion beam scanning electron microscopy (FIB-SEM) system that provides outstanding sample preparation and 3D characterization performance for a wide range of samples, including magnetic and non-conductive materials. Moreover, the Large Area Map software allows the acquisition of large sample areas at high magnification by means of a collage of images. Specifications: - Resolution: 1.5nm - Accelerating voltage: 0.2-30 kV - Maximum probe current: 400 nA - Magnification: from 40x (WD10 mm) to 500.000x - Specimen stage: five axis drive eucentric goniometer stage - Maximum specimen size: 50 mm x 40 mm.




Focused Ion Beam - Scanning Electron Microscope (FIB-SEM)


Electron Microscopy