GECmodel - Laboratoire de modélisation analogique Géosciences et
Environnement (Cergy-Pontoise University, France)
The analog modeling laboratory is responsible for carrying out
experimental projects focused on three main themes: tectonics (ductile
deformations, brittle/ductile coupling, sedimentation/deformation
coupling, salt tectonics), subduction and geomorphology dynamics (river
incisions, sedimentary transport, evolution of reliefs) .
The laboratory is very open to the outside world with numerous national
and international collaborations, both academic and industrial. It is
recognized as one of the main experimental laboratories for modeling
tectonic and geomorphological processes in France. It also helps
implement practical courses on the experimental approach in Earth
Sciences. The laboratory is also part of the TECMODF network (regrouping
the French laboratories dedicated to the analog modeling of geological
processes), the European Plate Observing System EPOSt, and he European
Training Networks TOPOMOD and SUBITOP.
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