LCGM Laboratory for Characterization of Geological Materials (FCUP, Portugal)

LCGM Laboratory for Characterization of Geological Materials (FCUP, Portugal)

Fluid Inclusions Laboratory:

Fluid inclusions analysis

• Description of different fluid inclusion populations.

Microthermometry (Th, Tm)

• Salinity and minimal temperature of entrapment.

Raman microspectrometry/spectroscopy

• Concentration of gases (CH4, CO2, N2).

• Identification of mineral phases.

The laboratory is equipped with a Chaixmeca and Linkam stages, cooled and heated (-180°C to 600°C) by automated temperature regulation and by a Horiba Jobin-Yvon LabRAM spectrometer (632.8 nm, He-Ne laser) coupled to an Olympus microscope.

Raman Laboratory:

Raman spectroscopy analysis

• Identification and characterization of mineral phases.

Raman spectrometry analysis

• Concentration of gases in fluid inclusions (CH4, CO2, N2).

The laboratory is equipped with a LabRAM and XploRATM microspectrometers (Horiba Jobin Yvon) for localized analysis, sample mapping and combined Raman spectroscopy/microthermometry analysis. The available excitation wavelengths are 532 nm, 632.8 nm, and 785 nm.

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