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Applied Filters
2930 data publications found

Original microstructural data of altered rocks and reconstructions using generative adversarial networks (GANs)

Amiri, Hamed


We image two altered rock samples consisting of a meta-igneous and a serpentinite showing an isolated porous and fracture network, respectively. The rock samples are collected during previous visits to Swartberget, Norway in 2009 and Tønsberg, Norway in 2012. The objective is to employ a...

Microstructural data used in “Drill core from seismically active sandstone gas reservoir yields clues to internal deformation mechanisms”

Verberne, Berend Antonie | Hangx, Suzanne J.T. | Pijnenburg, Ronald P.J. | Hamers, Maartje F. | Drury, Martyn R. | Spiers, Christopher J.


Europe’s largest gas field, the Groningen field (the Netherlands), is widely known for induced subsidence and seismicity caused by gas pressure depletion and associated compaction of the sandstone reservoir. Whether compaction is elastic or partly inelastic, as implied by recent experiments, is...

Microstructural data and trace element concentration measurements of recrystallised zircons

Huijsmans, Jasper


We have examined the crystal structure and and composition of recrystallised zircons from the Jack Hills, Australia and the island of Harris & Lewis, Scotland. Data has been collected with scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and electron probe micro analysis (EMPA) in order to resolve the...

Paleomagnetism and age of Mafic Plutons, Wichita Mountains, Oklahoma (Dataset)

William M. Roggenthen | Joseph F. Fischer | Giovanni Napoleone | Alfred G. Fischer


Paleomagnetic, rock magnetic, or geomagnetic data found in the MagIC data repository from a paper titled: Paleomagnetism and age of Mafic Plutons, Wichita Mountains, Oklahoma

Geomechanical, seismological, and geodetic data pertaining to the Groningen gas field: a data package used in the "Mmax II Workshop", on constraining the maximum earthquake magnitude in the Groningen field

Oates, Stephen | Landman, Anke Jannie | van der Wal, Onno | Baehr, Hermann | Piening , Harry


The operator of the Groningen gas field, the Nederlandse Aardolie Maatschappij (NAM) has been developing and refining a seismic hazard and risk model as part of the response to induced earthquakes seen in the Groningen gas field since the early ‘90s. As part of these efforts, a workshop was...

Petrel geological model of the Groningen gas field, the Netherlands

Aardolie Maatschappij (NAM), Nederlandse


Geological model and data of the Groningen gas field, the Netherlands, developed by the Nederlandse Aardolie Maatschappij (NAM) and distributed by the Dutch research infrastructure of solid earth sciences, EPOS-NL. The static model helps geoscientists to develop stratigraphic and structural...

In-situ Distributed Strain Sensing data from the Zeerijp-3a well of the Groningen gas field, Netherlands. Period 2015-2019.

Kole, Pepijn R.


The Groningen gas field is the largest gas field in Europe. Gas production in this field has led to seismicity and surface subsidence, both believed to be caused by compaction of the underlying reservoir sandstone. In 2015, the field operator (Nederlandse Aardolie Maatschappij - NAM)...

In-situ Distributed Strain Sensing (DSS) data from the Zeerijp-3a well in the Groningen gas field, the Netherlands. Period 2015-2021

Kole, Pepijn R. | van Eijs, Rob M.H.E.


The Groningen gas field is the largest gas field in Europe. Gas production in this field has led to seismicity and surface subsidence, both believed to be caused by compaction of the underlying reservoir sandstone. In 2015, the field operator (Nederlandse Aardolie Maatschappij - NAM)...

Supplementary material for the paper: The Late Paleozoic tectonic evolution of the Paleo-Asian Ocean in the northern Alxa Block, (NW China)

Guoai Xie | R. (Rongsong) Tian


Supplementary Materials include: Supplementary text: LA-ICP-MS Zircon U–Pb dating and whole-rock major and trace element Analytical methods Table S1: LA-ICP-MS zircon U–Pb isotopic dating results Table S2: whole-rock major and trace element and Sr-Nd isotopic compositions of volcanic rocks...

Shallow compaction data of the Groningen gas field and other locations in the Netherlands – period 1970 to 2021.

van Eijs, Rob M.H.E. | van der Wal, Onno


This dataset comprises shallow (0 to 400 meter) compaction data obtained in various locations across the Netherlands, including the large Groningen gas field in the NE Netherlands. Data were obtained in 14 dedicated shallow compaction wells in Groningen, 1 well in Friesland (N Netherlands), 1...