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Applied Filters
2930 data publications found

Core photographs of the Rotliegend reservoir of the Groningen gas field and surrounding areas

Visser, Clemens A. | Bokhorst, Karel


The Groningen gas field is the largest gas field in Europe and has been showing seismicity since the 1990s. The ~200 meter deep gas reservoir is situated at ~3 km depth, and comprises Permian (Slochteren) sandstone from the Rotliegend formation. The reservoir has been cored extensively by the...

Friction data of simulated basaltic fault gouge under hydrothermal conditions

Okuda, Hanaya


We performed friction experiments on simulated basaltic gouge under hydrothermal conditions to investigate roles of subducting oceanic crust on seismogenesis in subduction zones. In this dataset, we report raw data, processed data after removal of seal friction effects, velocity dependence of...

Data supplement to: Local magnetic anomalies in rugged volcanic terrain explain bias in paleomagnetic data: consequences for sampling

Meyer, Romy


The dataset contains measurements made with a fluxgate magnetometer of the ambient geomagnetic field on Mt. Etna, Italy. Measurements were made in April 2018. The purpose of this work was to test how the underlying terrain influences the magnetic field just above the surface of the lava...

Integrating the geological database of the subsurface of the Netherlands, for efficient visualization and interpretation

Matenco, Liviu | Beekman, Fred


This data publication provides an integrated framework of the public geological database of the Dutch subsurface, for geological interpretation. It complements the extensive existing information portals available for public use by providing efficient visualization and interpretation of...

True 2D-to-3D Reconstruction of Heterogenous Porous Media via Deep Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs)

Vogel, Hannah | Amiri, Hamed


[The latest version of this dataset is accessible via the following DOI: https://doi.org/10.24416/UU01-AFP38O] We imaged samples of Berea sandstone from Ohio (USA) using two 2D imaging techniques: backscattered electron (BSE) and optical microscopy, and 3D X-ray (micro-)computed tomography...

Data package with "Noncontacting laser-based acousto-seismics at the laboratory scale: towards near-real-time monitoring of granular analogue models"

Smits, Jasper


This data was generated using the seismo-acoustic setup for geological materials in the TecLab in Utrecht, described in the research paper that will accompany this data set. The data has been acquired using a PolyTec Vibrometer, and the data files provided contain all the raw data, processed...

Activation of dissolution-precipitation creep causes weakening and viscous behaviour in experimentally-deformed antigorite

Niemeijer, André Rik


Antigorite occurs at seismogenic depth along plate boundary shear zones, particularly in subduction and oceanic transform settings, and has been suggested to control a low strength bulk rheology. To constrain dominant deformation mechanisms, we perform hydrothermal ring-shear experiments on...

Replication Data for: Assessing the Impact of Grain Size on Magnetic Measurements

Out, Frenk | de Boer, Rosa A. | Walmsley, John | de Groot, Lennart V.


This Dataset contains all data (and more!) required to replicate the results presented in the manuscript. All data processing is carried out in jupyter notebooks (DataProcessing_*.ipynb). Required python packages are listed at the end of this file. We employed FIBSEM data (focused ion beam...

Dynamic Model (Eclipse Version) to predict the formation pressure response to gas extraction in the Groningen gas field, The Netherlands

Tummala , Pradeep | Landman, Anke Jannie | van Elk, Jan


The dynamic model of the Groningen gas field is used to predict the flow of water and gas in the reservoir and the areal distribution of reservoir pressure resulting from the withdrawal of gas from the reservoir. The main area of the model was primarily calibrated using measured reservoir...

Data accompanying the paper entitled: "The Frictional Strength and Stability of Spatially Heterogeneous Fault Gouges"

Arts, Job P.B.


We performed friction experiments on simulated gouges derived from the Ten Boer claystone and Slochteren sandstone members in the Groningen stratigraphy to test the effects of spatial heterogeneity on the fault mechanical behaviour. In this dataset we report microstructural data, mechanical...