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Applied Filters
2930 data publications found
Chemical (EPMA) and boron isotope (SIMS) analyses on tourmaline breccias from the Río Blanco-Los Bronces porphyry copper district, Chile
Hohf, Michael | Trumbull, Robert
Tourmaline-cemented magmatic-hydrothermal breccias are a major host to sulphide mineralization in the supergiant Río Blanco–Los Bronces (RB–LB) porphyry Cu-Mo district in central Chile. We made an extensive study of the chemical and boron isotopic composition of tourmaline from this district to...
Appendices to the master thesis: Understanding environmental risks related to geothermal fluids: An integrated approach from natural and social sciences in three countries
Jeanne Steijn
This spreadsheet contains geochemistry data from geothermal fluid samples in Indonesia, Turkey and the Netherlands. This data set is part of the MSc thesis by Jeanne Steijn, titled 'Understanding environmental risks related to geothermal fluids: An integrated approach from natural and social...
Organochemical characterization of the mineralized Kupferschiefer in Spremberg, East Germany: Compositional and isotope data on hydrocarbons, biomarker and NSO compounds
Poetz, Stefanie | Liu, Yang | Magnall, Joseph M. | Vieth-Hillebrand, Andrea | Yang, Shengyu | Göthel, Michael | Gleeson, Sarah A. | Schulz, Hans-Martin | Karger, Cornelia | Noack, Doreen | Günther, Kristin | Kaminsky, Anke | Rothe, Heike
Organic matter (OM) is known to be an important reductant in sediment-hosted base metal deposits like the European Kupferschiefer. However, the precise nature of interactions between OM and hydrothermal fluids are still debated as well as how the interconnected reactions develop over geological...
Spectral decomposition results for the SCEC-Community Stress Drop Validation study
Bindi, Dino | Spallarossa, Daniele | Picozzi, Matteo | Oth, Adrien | Morasca, Paola | Mayeda, Kevin
The Community Stress Drop Validation Study has been organized as a technical activity group (TAG) of SCEC (Southern California Earthquake Center) with the aim of investigating the source parameters of the 2019 Ridgecrest seismic sequence in California. Information about the stress drop TAG...
Geochemistry of sediments from Arctic thermokarst lakes and lagoons on the Bykovsky Peninsula, Siberia
Yang, Sizhong | Anthony, Sara E. | Jenrich, Maren | In ‘t Zandt, Michiel H. | Strauss, Jens | Overduin, Pier Paul | Grosse, Guido | Angelopoulos, Michael | Biskaborn, Boris K. | Grigoriev, Mikhail N | Wagner, Dirk | Knoblauch, Christian | Jaeschke, Andrea | Rethemeyer, Janet | Kallmeyer, Jens | Liebner, Susanne
In coastal Arctic permafrost regions, thermokarst lagoons represent the transition state from a freshwater lacustrine to a marine environment, and receive little attention regarding their role for greenhouse gas production and release. The geochemical features of a thermokarst lagoon were...
Properties of rock analogue materials used for Foamquake: a novel seismotectonic analog model mimicking the megathrust seismic cycle at RomaTre University (Italy)
Mastella, Giacomo | Corbi, Fabio | Funiciello, Francesca | Rosenau, Matthias | Rudolf, Michael | Kosari, Ehsan
This dataset provides friction and elasticity data from ring shear and axial tests, respectively, on rock analogue materials used at the University Roma Tre (Rome, IT) in “Foamquake”, a novel seismotectonic analog model mimicking the megathrust seismic cycle (Mastella et al., under review). Two...
Multi-method petrophysical laboratory data set for crushed carbonates and sandstone
Börner, Jana H. | Herdegen, Volker | Repke, Jens-Uwe | Spitzer, Klaus
The data set comprises petrophysical laboratory data for four carbonate rocks and one sandstone – both in solid rock and crushed state. Rock plugs and particle packings of intentionally crushed and sieved material are investigated. Thereby, eight particle size classes with a mean diameter...
Physical properties and mechanical parameters of limestone rocks from Central Apennines (Italy) by laboratory test on intact rock specimens
Marco Emanuele Discenza
The dataset contains the major physical properties and the mechanical parameters of several intact rock samples of limestone collected from the Central Apennine region (Italy). The physical properties obtained for the rock samples are unit weight, density and porosity. The derived mechanical...
Hydrochemical analysis thermal water Wildbad-Einoed, Austria
Hehn, Vera | Iannotta, Joy | Eichinger, Florian
The main objective of the work package 2 of the REFLECT project is to characterise relevant fluid properties and their reactions for saline fluids (type C). One of the specific goals was to collect fluid samples from several saline fluids from geothermal sites across Europe, determine their...
Hydrochemichal analysis thermal water Bad Blumau, Austria
Hehn, Vera | Iannotta, Joy | Eichinger, Florian
The main objective of the work package 2 of the REFLECT project is to characterise relevant fluid properties and their reactions for saline fluids (type C). One of the specific goals was to collect fluid samples from several saline fluids from geothermal sites across Europe, determine their...