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Applied Filters
2930 data publications found
Hydrochemical analysis thermal water Insheim, Germany
Hehn, Vera | Iannotta, Joy | Eichinger, Florian | Hoffmann, Richard | Uhde, Jörg
The main objective of the work package 2 of the REFLECT project is to characterise relevant fluid properties and their reactions for saline fluids (type C). One of the specific goals was to collect fluid samples from several saline fluids from geothermal sites across Europe, determine their...
Hydrochemical analysis thermal water Balmatt, Belgium
Hehn, Vera | Iannotta, Joy
The main objective of the work package 2 of the REFLECT project is to characterise relevant fluid properties and their reactions for saline fluids (type C). One of the specific goals was to collect fluid samples from several saline fluids from geothermal sites across Europe, determine their...
Hydrochemical analysis thermal water Heemskerk, Netherlands
Hehn, Vera | Iannotta, Joy | Wash, Laura | Boeije, Chris | Pluymakers, Anne | Verweij, Cas
The main objective of the work package 2 of the REFLECT project is to characterise relevant fluid properties and their reactions for saline fluids (type C). One of the specific goals was to collect fluid samples from several saline fluids from geothermal sites across Europe, determine their...
Hydrochemichal analysis thermal water Gross Schoenebeck, Germany
Hehn, Vera | Iannotta, Joy
The main objective of the work package 2 of the REFLECT project is to characterise relevant fluid properties and their reactions for saline fluids (type C). One of the specific goals was to collect fluid samples from several saline fluids from geothermal sites across Europe, determine their...
Hydrochemical analysis thermal water Neustadt-Glewe, Germany
Hehn, Vera | Iannotta, Joy
The main objective of the work package 2 of the REFLECT project is to characterise relevant fluid properties and their reactions for saline fluids (type C). One of the specific goals was to collect fluid samples from several saline fluids from geothermal sites across Europe, determine their...
Frequency-dependent quality factors of S-coda waves from active ultrasonic transmission measurements in the STIMTEC project, URL Reiche Zeche, Germany
Blanke, Aglaja | Boese, Carolin M.
Mean S-wave coda quality factors (mean-Qc) were estimated from active ultrasonic transmission (UT) measurements acquired during the STIMTEC project in the URL Reiche Zeche (Saxony, Germany). We used S-coda waves of 88 selected UT measurements carried out in 3 differently oriented boreholes...
Ultrasonic transmission measurements from injection borehole and vertical validation boreholes from the STIMTEC experiment, Reiche Zeche Mine, Freiberg (Saxony, Germany)
Boese, Carolin M. | Kwiatek, Grzegorz | Fischer, Thomas | Plenkers, Katrin | Starke, Juliane | Blümle, Felix | Dresen, Georg | Janssen, Christoph
Between early 2018 and late 2019 the STIMTEC hydraulic stimulation experiment was performed at ca.~130 m below surface at the Reiche Zeche underground research laboratory in Freiberg, Saxony/Germany. The project aimed at gaining insight into the creation and growth of fractures in anisotropic...
Experimental data of indirect Tensile, Uniaxial Compressive and Triaxial Compressive tests on Odenwald Granodiorite samples
Muhl, Lena | Blöcher, Guido | Kluge, Christian | Sass, Ingo
An experimental investigation was implemented to explore the mechanical parameters of the Odenwald reservoir granitoids. The specimen within this research project was the Odenwald Granodiorite (ODG) which was extracted from the quarry on Bergstrasse in Heppenheim, Germany. The study enfolds...
Ground motion data simulated for various rupture scenarios of magnitude 6.0 earthquake in Southern California
Kwiatek, Grzegorz | Yehuda, Ben-Zion
This dataset is supplementary material to "Detection limits and near-field ground motions of fast and slow earthquakes" by G. Kwiatek and Y. Ben-Zion published in Journal of Geophysical Research - Solid Earth.The dataset contains spatial variations of ground motions (peak ground velocities)...
Stratigraphic and Multi Scanner Core Logging (MSCL) data plus supplementary luminescence dating material obtained from the scientific drilling QDR-RE-IfG and its drill site in the Aare Valley, Bern CH
Schwenk, Michael | Schlunegger, Fritz | Gribenski, Natacha | Schläfli, Patrick | Bandou, Dimitri | Douillet, Guilhem | Krbanjevic, Julijana
The Quaternary Drilling at the Rehhag under the supervision of members of the Institut für Geologie (QDR-RE-IfG) was interested in the unconsolidated sediment infill of a bedrock trough in the Northern Alpine Foreland (NAF). Such bedrock troughs, now hidden beneath their sediment infill...