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Applied Filters
2930 data publications found
Anisotropic broadband spectral induced polarization (SIP) data of black shale and mudstone from the Moffat Shale Group (Ireland)
Römhild, Lukas | Sonntag, Martin | Kiyan, Duygu | Rogers, Russell | Rath, Volker | Börner, Jana H.
This data set includes broadband (1e-4 to 1e5 Hz) frequency-dependent, complex electrical conductivity data, which have been measured in the laboratory by means of the spectral induced polarization (SIP) method on 28 oriented black shale and mudstone samples. Porosity, density and plug images...
Solutions of ocean tide loading displacement, self-attraction and loading and ocean tides for an advanced 3D anelastic solid Earth model
Huang, Pingping | Sulzbach, Roman Lucas | Klemann, Volker | Tanaka, Yoshiyuki | Dobslaw, Henryk | Martinec, Zdeněk | Thomas, Maik
As a supplement to Huang et al. (2022) “The influence of sediments, lithosphere and upper mantle (anelastic) with lateral heterogeneity on ocean tide loading and ocean tide dynamics”, we provide for the advanced earth model LH-Lyon-3Dae [consisting of 3D elastic sediments, lithosphere and 3D...
Dissolved organic compounds in geothermal fluids used for energy production
Leins, Alessio | Vieth-Hillebrand, Andrea | Bregnard, Danaé | Günther, Kristin | Junier, Pilar | Regenspurg, Simona
This data was collected to write an extensive review on organic compounds in geothermal fluids as part of the REFLECT (Redefining geothermal fluid properties at extreme conditions to optimize future geothermal energy extraction). The data is mainly focussed on geothermal sites were organic...
Reflectance spectra and LIBS data of 16 iron-bearing surface samples from Rammelsberg – a non-ferrous metal mine in the Harz Mountains near Goslar, Germany
Hildebrand, Constantin | Koellner, Nicole | Kaestner, Friederike | Koerting, Friederike | Mielke, Christian
This data publication presents data from a solaroptical spectral investigation in the area of the Rammelsberg non-ferrous metal mine in the Harz Mountains near the city of Goslar. The investigation refers to the local communion stone quarry (“Kommunionssteinbruch”) above the former mining area....
Deep seismic reflection profile DEKORP 1985-4Q across the Bavarian Forest, Southeast Germany
Stiller, Manfred | Kaerger, Lauretta | Agafonova, Tatiana | Krawczyk, Charlotte | Oncken, Onno | Weber, Michael | Former DEKORP Project Leaders | Former DEKORP Research Group | Former DEKORP Processing Centre
The 36 km long line 4Q was recorded in 1985 as part of the DEKORP project, the German continental seismic reflection program. The aim of the survey was to explore important tectonic structures through the regional tectonic trend of the Bavarian Forest (NW-SE) with high-fold near-vertical...
Sedimentological, geochemical, petrophysical, and geochronological data on drill cores and samples from the 2019 Lake Constance (Germany) drilling campaign with Hipercorig
Harms, Ulrich | Schaller, Sebastian | Raschke, Ulli | Anselmetti, Flavio S. | Boettcher, Michael E | Buechi, Marius W. | Epp, Laura S. | Fabbri, Stefano C. | Gribenski, Natacha | Krastel, Sebastian | Liebezeit, Alina | Lindhorst, Katja | Schleheck, David | Schmiedinger, Iris | Schwalb, Antje | Vogel, Hendrik | Wessels, Martin | Wittig, Volker
The basin sediments of Lake Constance encompass superior records of glacial to late glacial and Holocene environmental conditions but were hitherto not recovered from greater depths due to the lack of high-quality but inexpensive coring instruments. In a test and commissioning campaign in 2019,...
Data for dissertation entitled "Anisotropic and Magnetic Microparticles: Preparation and Out-of-Equilibrium Assembly"
Sarah Schyck | Laura Rossi
Data for Chapters 3-6 of the dissertation. The data includes raw and processed files for (CH3) SAXS analysis of hematite superball assemblies, (CH4) optical microscopy analysis and tracking of hematite microswimmers, (CH5) microscopy analysis of magnetic polystyrene microspheres, and (CH6)...
Spatial and temporal changes of pressure and CO2 concentration in isolated borehole sections in the marginal area of a cavernous structure - an underground in-situ study in rock salts
Strauch, Bettina | Zimmer, Martin | Kujawa, Christian | Zirkler, Axel
We present a dataset of in-situ measurements in the marginal area of a CO2- and brine-rich cavernous structure in an underground salt mine. The data were collected within the framework of the BMBF-project ProSalz. One aim was to reveal the sources and dynamics of fluid movement as well as...
Deep seismic reflection profile DEKORP 1984-2S across the Franconian Platform, South Germany
Stiller, Manfred | Kaerger, Lauretta | Agafonova, Tatiana | Krawczyk, Charlotte | Oncken, Onno | Weber, Michael | Former DEKORP Project Leaders | Former DEKORP Research Group | Former DEKORP Processing Centre
DEKORP 2S was the first profile carried out in 1984 as part of the DEKORP project, the German deep seismic reflection program. The seismic line has a length of 250 km and was the first and only DEKORP line to be acquired using explosives as source energy. The objectives of the experiment were...
Magnetotelluric measurements in the Mérida Andes, western Venezuela
Ritter, Oliver | Cruces-Zabala, José | Weckmann, Ute | Tietze, Kristina | Schmitt, Reinhard | Schmitz, Michael
The 100 km wide Mérida Andes extend from the Colombian/Venezuelan border to the Caribbean coast. To the north and south, the Mérida Andes are bound by hydrocarbon-rich sedimentary basins. This mountain chain and its associated major strike-slip fault systems formed by the oblique...