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2930 data publications found

Accessory Minerals in Felsic Igneous Rocks - Part 5: Composition of monazite-(Ce), xenotime-(Y) and zircon from two geochemically distinct occurrences of highly evolved Li-F granite: The Pobershau-Satzung massif and the Seiffen granite (Erzgebirge−Vogtland metallogenic province, Germany)

Förster, Hans-Jürgen


This data set is the 5th fifth part of a series reporting chemical data for accessory minerals from felsic igneous rocks. Most data refer to plutonic rocks from the Saxothuringian Zone of the Variscan Orogen (Erzgebirge−Vogtland metallogenic province) in Germany performed between about 1995 and...

Accessory Minerals in Felsic Igneous Rocks - Part 4: Composition of allanite-(Ce), monazite-(Ce), xenotime-(Y) and zircon from the multi-stage, weakly peraluminous F-poor granite massifs of Kirchberg and Niederbobritzsch (Erzgebirge−Vogtland metallogenic province, Germany)

Förster, Hans-Jürgen


This data set is the 4th contribution of a series reporting chemical data for accessory minerals from felsic igneous rocks. It deals with two late Variscan biotite-granite massifs emplaced in the Saxothuringian Zone of the Variscan Orogen (Erzgebirge−Vogtland metallogenic province) in...

Accessory Minerals in Felsic Igneous Rocks - Part 7: Composition of monazite-(Ce) and zircon from evolved post-collisional microgranites/rhyolites in the Western Erzgebirge−Vogtland metallogenic province (Germany)

Förster, Hans-Jürgen


Part seven of a series of data sets dealing with the composition of accessory minerals from felsic igneous rocks reports chemical data for monazite-(Ce) and zircon from eight occurrences of high-Si felsic microgranites/rhyolites in the Erzgebirge−Vogtland metallogenic province of Germany, which...

Accessory Minerals in Felsic Igneous Rocks - Part 6: Composition of monazite-(Ce), xenotime-(Y) and zircon from the late-Variscan Fichtelgebirge/Smrčiny granites (Germany, Czech Republic)

Förster, Hans-Jürgen


This data set is the sixth part of a series reporting chemical data for accessory minerals from felsic igneous rocks. It assembles the results of electron-microprobe spot analyses of monazite-(Ce), xenotime-(Y) and zircon from the late-Variscan granites of the Fichtelgebirge/Smrčiny in the...

Supplementary data to the paper: 3D Printing of a Self-Healing Thermo-plastic Polyurethane Through FDM: from Polymer Slab to Mechanical Assessment

Linda Ritzen | Vincenzo Montano | Santiago J. Garcia


This dataset contains the data corresponding to the following publication:Linda Ritzen, Vincenzo Montano and Santiago J. Garcia. 3D Printing of aSelf-Healing Thermo-plastic Polyurethane Through FDM: from Polymer Slab to Mechanical Assessment. Polymers 2021, 13,...

Paleomagnetism of Triassic Parsora sandstones from India (Dataset)

M.S. Bhalla | R.K. Verma


Paleomagnetic, rock magnetic, or geomagnetic data found in the MagIC data repository from a paper titled: Paleomagnetism of Triassic Parsora sandstones from India

Composite OSG Logging Data from the PTA-2 borehole, Big Island, Hawai'i

Kueck, Jochem


Compilation of downhole logging data from the borehole PTA2 inside Bradshaw Army Camp in the saddle region between Mauna Kea and Mauna Loa on the Big Island of Hawai'i (Composite OSG Logging Data Hawaii PTA2.asc, ASCII). The PTA2 borehole was fully cored into a lava dominated rock sequence;...

Experimental rock permeability data for illite-bearing Flechtinger sandstone measured with a flow-through apparatus at GFZ Potsdam

Cheng, Chaojie | Milsch, Harald


Temperature changes and variations in pore fluid salinity may negatively affect the permeability of clay‐bearing sandstones with implications for natural fluid flow and geotechnical applications alike. Cheng and Milsch (2020) investigated these factors for a sandstone dominated by illite as the...

A global database of radiogenic Nd and Sr isotopes in marine and terrestrial samples

Blanchet, Cécile L.


The database presented here contains radiogenic neodymium and strontium isotope ratios measured on both terrestrial and marine sediments. It was compiled to help assessing sediment provenance and transport processes for various time intervals. This can be achieved by either mapping sediment...

Sediment geochemistry data for the publication: “10Be/9Be ratios reveal marine authigenic clay formation”

Bernhardt, Anne | Oelze, Marcus | Bouchez, Julien | von Blanckenburg, Friedhelm | Mohtadi, Mahyar | Christl, Marcus | Wittmann-Oelze, Hella


As reverse weathering has been shown to impact long-term changes in atmospheric CO2 levels, it is crucial to develop quantitative tools to reconstruct marine authigenic clay formation. We explored the potential of the beryllium (Be) isotope ratio (10Be/9Be) recorded in marine clay-sized...