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Applied Filters
2930 data publications found
Supplementary information for the publication: Influence of soapstone waste on the mechanical and rheological properties of HDPE
Giulia Sousa | Geovane de Almeida Santos da Silva | José Roberto Moraes d'Alemida
Soapstone waste was characterized through X-Ray diffraction, automated image analysis, FTIR and Raman spectroscopy. The waste was used as filler in high-density polyethylene composites. The composites with different filler fractions were characterized by tensile testing and rheology analysis.
The Indus-Tsangpo suture zone in Ladakh, northwest Himalaya: Further palaeomagnetic data and implications (Dataset)
Chris Klootwijk | Madan Lal Sharma | Jozef Gergan | S.K. Shah | Biras Tirkey
Paleomagnetic, rock magnetic, or geomagnetic data found in the MagIC data repository from a paper titled: The Indus-Tsangpo suture zone in Ladakh, northwest Himalaya: Further palaeomagnetic data and implications
Copper isotope fractionation during prehistoric smelting of copper sulfides: experimental and analytical data
Rose, Thomas | Klein, Sabine | Hanning, Erica K.
The project from which the data derived aimed to establish the first systematic study of Cu isotope fractionation during the prehistoric smelting and refining process. For this reason, an experimental approach was used to smelt sulfide copper ore according to reconstructed prehistoric...
Nanoscale structures and properties of carbonate fault mirrors revealed by scanning electron and scanning transmission electron microscope images, electron energy loss and Raman spectra
Ohl, Markus | Plümper, Oliver | Chatzaras, Vasileios | Wallis, David | Vollmer, Christian | Drury, Martyn
This data publication contains scanning electron microscope (SEM) and (scanning) transmission electron microscope ((S)TEM) images as well as electron energy loss spectra (EELS) and Raman spectra of the principal slip surface of carbonate fault mirrors. We analysed a total of eleven samples to...
Analytical data of Ar/Ar sanidine dating of tephra SALAR T6
Kuiper, Klaudia | Medialdea, Alicia | May, Matthias | Brill, Dominik | King, Georgina | Wennrich, Volker
Analytical data of Ar/Ar sanidine dating of tephra SALAR T6 (20°59.862'S, 70°01.630'W). Sample was collected from Salar Grande site during the field campaign of March 2017. These data compliment and support the results presented in the journal article "Identification of humid periods in the...
Geochemical analysis of tephra layers T1-T6 from Salar Grande, Atacama
Wennrich, Volker | Medialdea, Alicia | May, Matthias | Brill, Dominik | King, Georgina
Geochemical analysis of tephra layers T1-T6, from Salar Grande site (20°59.862'S, 70°01.630'W). These data complement and support the results presented in the journal article "Identification of humid periods in the Atacama Desert through hillslope activity established by infrared stimulated...
Decollement depth of Active thrust faults in Italy
Petricca, Patrizio
Based on available geological and geophysical data, the depth of the basal thrust decollement for compressional areas of Italy is collected. The proposed dataset is useful to a large scientific and risk-management audience (e.g., input for numerical modelling of regional studies, or providing...
Relative age of Otto stock and Matachewan dykes from paleomagnetism and implications for the Precambrian polar wander path (Dataset)
Kenneth L. Buchan | Douglas J. Neilson | Christopher J. Hale
Paleomagnetic, rock magnetic, or geomagnetic data found in the MagIC data repository from a paper titled: Relative age of Otto stock and Matachewan dykes from paleomagnetism and implications for the Precambrian polar wander path
XRD analyses on cuttings samples from IODP Expeditions 338 and 348 (Nankai Trough accretionary prism)
Schleicher, Anja Maria | Jurado, Maria-Jose
This data publication uses XRD bulk rock analyses carried out on cuttings aboard D/V Chikyu during the International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP) Expeditions 338 and 348 of the Nankai Trough Seismogenic Zone Experiment (NanTroSEIZE) project (Strasser et al, 2014, Tobin et al., 2015). More...
Mineral chemistry of chromite, orthopyroxene and plagioclase of chromitite layers in the Lower and Middle Group of the northwestern Bushveld Complex
Kaufmann, Felix E.D. | Hoffmann, Marie C. | Bachmann, Kai | Veksler, Ilya V. | Trumbull, Robert B. | Hecht, Lutz
This data set contains mineral chemical analyses of chromite, orthopyroxene and plagioclase of five chromitite layers and their immediate host rocks from drill core ZK135 of the northwestern Bushveld Complex. The sampled interval of ZK135 covers the transition of the Lower and Middle Group...