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2930 data publications found
Magnetochronostratigraphic data from marine sediments off Patagonia, SE Pacific – cores from expedition MR16-09 Leg 2, Japanese RV Mirai, 2017
Nowaczyk, Norbert R. | Liu, Jiabo | Hagemann, Julia | Arz, Helge W. | Iwasaki, Shinya | Murayama, Masafumi
Sediment cores PC02, PC03, and PC04 were recovered during the ship expedition MR16-09 Leg 2 of Japanese RV Mirai in 2017 (Murata et al., 2017) using piston corers. For paleo- and rock magnetic analyses clear plastic boxes with a volume of 7 cm3 were pressed into the split halves of the...
Laboratory and field data used to determine the controls of drainage density differences in two granitoid plutons in semi-arid Central Chile
Lodes, Emma | Scherler, Dirk | Wittmann, Hella | Schleicher, Anja | Stammeier, Jessica | Loyola Lafuente , Martín Andrés | Grigusova, Paulina
Here we provide in situ 10Be data, meteoric 10Be data, X-Ray fluorescence data, infiltration rate field date, chemical extraction data, a summary of grain size data, all grain size data (Table S7), mineral point counting data, XRD data, soil grain size data, and data from laboratory...
Trace and major element concentrations of mineral phases found in ETZ-13 (alkaline basalt from the Main Ethiopian Rift) and glass/mineral compositions in the run products of experiments conducted at various P-T-XH2O in an internally heated pressure vessel using this basalt
Sauvalle, Romain | Scaillet, Bruno | Prouteau, Gaëlle | Scaillet, Stéphane | Cioni, Rafaello | Franceshini, Zara | Frascerra, Diletta | Sani, Federico | Corti, Giacomo | Melaku, Abate Assen | Andujar, Joan
We have performed experiments on a basalt from the Main Ethiopian Rift (Ethiopia) to assess its pre-eruptive conditions in the magma chamber. The files contain all the analyses performed on the starting material (basalt) and the run products, both for the glass and mineral phases. Several...
Global mantle clinopyroxene data (major and trace elements)
Qin, Ben | Fang, Huang | Shichun, Huang | Andre, Python | Yunfeng, Chen | ZhangZhou, J.
Compilation of global major and trace element compositional data for clinopyroxenes from mantle xenoliths from 972 locations worldwide, originally downloaded from the GEOROC database (https://georoc.eu/; accessed 14 July 2020). Each location includes multiple samples and analyses. To exclude...
Sedimentological, geochemical and biological data of sediment cores from lake Tiefer (NE Germany)
Sirota, Ido | Tjallingii, Rik | Pinkerneil, Sylvia | Schroeder, Birgit | Albert, Marlen | Kearney, Rebecca | Heiri, Oliver | Breu, Simona | Brauer, Achim
The depletion of dissolved oxygen in lakes (hypoxia) is an ongoing phenomenon that put under risk ecological systems and impact sedimentary environments. This phenomenon is driven by the increasing anthropogenic pressure on such environments. This dataset contains high-resolution...
Measurement of thermal properties of core samples from the COSC-1 borehole
Block, Nino | Renner, Jörg | Pascale, Christophe
The Collisional Orogeny in the Scandinavian Caledonides (COSC) drilling project focuses on understanding orogenic processes in western Scandinavia (Lorenz et al., 2015). The project presents an opportunity to study how heat transport affects brittle and ductile deformation in the lithosphere....
Magnetochronostratigraphic data from sediments in the Drake Passage – cores from expedition PS97, German RV Polarstern, 2016
Nowaczyk, Norbert R. | Liu, Jiabo | Arz, Helge W.
Sediment cores were recovered during the ship expedition of German RV Polarstern in 2016 (PS97) using piston corers. For paleo- and rock magnetic analyses clear plastic boxes of 20×20×15 mm were pressed into the split halves of the generally 1 m long sections of the sediment cores. In...
Source parameters of earthquakes in the Sea of Marmara region, Türkiye, during 2006-2020
Chen, Xiang | Kwiatek, Grzegorz | Bidi, Dino | Becker, Dirk | Bohnhoff, Marco | Cotton, Fabrice | Martínez-Garzón, Patricia
This dataset contains the estimated source parameters using both Spectral Fitting (SF) method and Generalized Inversion Technique (GIT) for 1,577 earthquakes with magnitude ML1.0-5.7 during the time span 2006-2020 in the Sea of Marmara region. The study area surrounds the Sea of Marmara,...
Dissolved organic compounds in geothermal fluids used for energy production – part II
Leins, Alessio | Vieth-Hillebrand, Andrea | Günther, Kristin | Regenspurg, Simona
This dataset comprises 47 fluid samples from 11 geothermal sites (Germany, Austria, Iceland, Turkey, Netherlands, Belgium, French West Indies). The samples were collected within the REFLECT project (Redefining geothermal properties at extreme conditions to optimize future geothermal energy...
CRM-geothermal - gas geochemical results of pump tests at borehole GWDD-001 of Cornish Lithium Company, Cornwall, UK
Strauch, Bettina | Frigo, Samuele | Zimmer, Martin | Wilke, Franziska D. H. | Niedermann, Samuel | Vieth-Hillebrand, Andrea | Blöcher, Guido | Regenspurg, Simona | Kranz, Stefan | Hehn, Vera | Günther, Kristin | Klose, Lukas | Goldberg, Tatiana | Stammeier, Jessica | Salisbury, Alistair
The EU funded project “CRM geothermal”, aims to establish an overview of the potential for raw materials in geothermal fluids for a large range of CRM elements across the EU and third countries. Due to its economic importance, Helium is closely monitored, in view of its relevance for possibly...