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2930 data publications found
Stratigraphic Classification Table for the PetroPhysical Property Database P³
Bär, Kristian | Mielke, Philipp
This data publication is part of the 'P³-Petrophysical Property Database' project, which was developed within the EC funded project IMAGE (Integrated Methods for Advanced Geothermal Exploration, EU grant agreement No. 608553) and consists of a scientific paper, a full report on the database,...
Bericht zum Bohrlochtemperatur-Logging und zu Messungen thermisch-hydraulischer Gesteinskennwerte an Bohrkernen für die Geothermiebohrungen Gt Schwerin 6/17 und Gt Schwerin 7/20 (Schwerin, MV)
Fuchs, Sven | Norden, Ben | Peksa, Robert
This report summarizes the measurements carried out by the GFZ Potsdam on the boreholes Gt S 6/17 and Gt S 7/20 in Schwerin (Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania). The first part of the report describes the borehole measurements of the unperturbed temperature profiles. The second part describes the...
JAGUARS – Mining induced picoseismicity associated to gold mining
Plenkers, Katrin | Blanke, Aglaja | Ziegler, Moritz | Naoi, Makoto | Yabe, Yasuo | Nakatani, Masao | Dresen, Georg | Ogasawara, Hiroshi | Kwiatek, Grzegorz
This dataset presented herein originates from the JAGUARS (The Japanese German Underground Acoustic Emission Research in South Africa) project, which took place from 2007 to 2009 in Mponeng Gold Mine, South Africa. Project partners included Ritsumeikan University, Earthquake Research...
Experimental adsorption parameters of boron isotopes on clay minerals
Ring, Simon J. | Henehan, Michael J. | Blukis, Roberts | von Blanckenburg, Friedhelm
Adsorption and isotopic fractionation of boron on clastic sediment is one process responsible for the heavy boron isotopic composition of the modern ocean. However, the mechanism by which boron complexes to the surface of clay minerals and the cause of its isotopic fractionation are still...
In-situ Raman spectra from Na2ATP solutions with starting pH 3 and 7 at 80,100 and 120 °C for determination of the hydrolysis rate constant of ATP
Moeller, Christoph | Schmidt, Christian | Guyout, Francois | Wilke, Max
Extremophiles maintain an active metabolism up to 122 °C (Takai et al. 2008). These extreme conditions are found, for example in hot springs, in deep oceanic and crustal sediments and in hydrothermal vents at mid-oceanic spreading ridges (Edwards et al., 2011; Heuer et al., 2020). Several...
Database of in-situ Raman spectra from N2H2ATP solutions at 80,100 and 120 °C and up to 1666 MPa for determination of the rate constant of the ATP hydrolysis
Moeller, Christoph | Schmidt, Christian | Testemale, Denis | Guyot, François | Kokh, Maria | Wilke, Max
In biochemical systems, enzymes catalyze the endergonic phosphorylation of adenosine diphos-phate (ADP) to adenosine triphosphate (ATP) by different pathways, e.g., oxidative phosphoryla-tion catalyzed by membrane bound ATP synthase or substrate-level phosphorylation. The stored energy is...
Mineralogical, geochemical and microbial dataset for assessing the impact of S. bentonitica in different solutions on the performance of bentonite clay
Schleicher, Anja M. | Mitzscherling, Julia | Bonitz, Marie | Genderjahn, Steffi | Wagner, Dirk | Vieth-Hillebrand, Andrea
Bentonite clay is the primary candidate for buffer material in a deep geological repository for high level nuclear waste in many countries. However, the material is only suitable if the swelling capacity is maintained with respect to changing temperature and humidity, as well as the possible...
GlobaLID – Global Lead Isotope Database (Version 12/2023)
Westner, Katrin J. | Rose, Thomas | Klein, Sabine | Hsu, Yiu-Kang | Becerra, María Florencia | Nezafati, Nima | Renson, Virginie | Stephens, Jay
This dataset is a continuously growing collection of lead isotope reference data. Lead isotopes are an established method to reconstruct the raw material provenance of archaeological objects. They are typically applied to artefacts made of copper, lead, silver, and their alloys....
GlobaLID – Global Lead Isotope Database
Westner, Katrin J. | Rose, Thomas | Klein, Sabine | Hsu, Yiu-Kang
This dataset is a continuously growing collection of lead isotope reference data. Lead isotopes are an established method to reconstruct the raw material provenance of archaeological objects. They are typically applied to artefacts made of copper, lead, silver, and their alloys. However, also...
Mo, Sr, Nd isotopes and major and trace element concentrations for lavas and enclaves from Solander Volcano, basement rocks and one altered oceanic basalt
Bezard, Rachel | Rushmer, Tracy | Turner, Simon | Eroglu, Sümeyya
The dataset contains major, trace element concentrations and Mo (stable), Sr (radiogenic) and Nd (radiogenic) isotope composition of lavas and enclaves from Solander Volcano (Solander and Little Solander Islands) as well as local basement rocks (xenoliths or borehole samples) and one local...