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Applied Filters
2930 data publications found

Experimental data on Long-term Isostatic Relaxation of Large Terrestrial Impact Structures: Structural Characteristics Inferred from Scaled Analogue Experiments at the UHH-Tec Modelling Lab of the Universität Hamburg

Eisermann, Jan Oliver | Riller, Ulrich


This data set includes the results of digital image correlation of 21 analogue experiments on isostatic relaxation of the crater floors performed at UHH-Tec Modelling Laboratory of the Universität Ham-burg. The structural evolution of model upper crust was systematically analysed for various...

Forearc on-shore receiver functions, station subsurface models, and fitted slab model for Cascadia (North America)

Bloch, Wasja | Bostock, Michael G. | Audet, Pascal


This data publication contains (i) a slab model of the Cascadia subduction zone, derived from receiver functions, parameterized as depth to the three interfaces: t (top), c (central) and m (Moho), in NetCDF format; (ii) the station measurements of all parameters in the model in tabular and...

Geochemical, isotopic, geochronological data and assimilation plus fractional crystallization model of The Pleiades Volcanic Field (Northern Victoria Land, Antarctica)

Agostini, Samuele | Leone, Noemi | Smellie, John L. | Rocchi, Sergio


This dataset presents a set of geographical, geochemical and isotopic data, microphotos of thin sections and geochemical binary variation diagrams of sixteen samples of volcanic rocks collected in The Pleiades Volcanic Field, Northern Victoria Land, Antarctica (≈ 72° 42’ S; 165° 43’ E), made up...

Black Forest Observatory Data

Black Forest Observatory (BFO)


The Black Forest Observatory Data collection compiles digital data recorded at Black Forest Observatory (BFO) in Germany and provided through several international data centers. BFO aims to observe the entire geodynamic spectrum. It strives to ensure continuous, uninterrupted operation and is...

Data supplement to: Chemistry and Microbiology of the Critical Zone along a steep climate and vegetation gradient in the Chilean Coastal Cordillera

Oeser, Ralf Andreas | Stroncik, Nicole | Moskwa, Lisa-Marie | Bernhard, Nadine | Schaller, Mirjam | Canessa, Rafaella | van den Brink, Liesbeth | Köster, Moritz | Brucker, Emanuel | Stock, Svenja | Fuentes, Juan Pablo | Godoy, Roberto | Matus, Francisco Javier | Oses Pedraza, Rómulo | Osses McIntyre, Pablo | Paulino, Leandro | Seguel, Oscar | Bader, Maaike Y. | Boy, Jens | Dippold, Michaela A. | Ehlers, Todd A. | Kühn, Peter | Kuzyakov, Yakov | Leinweber, Peter | Scholten, Thomas | Spielvogel, Sandra | Spohn, Marie | Übernickel, Kirstin | Tielbörger, Katja | Wagner, Dirk | von Blanckenburg, Friedhelm


The Chilean Coastal Cordillera features a spectacular climate and vegetation gradient, ranging from arid and unvegetated areas in the north to humid and forested areas in the south. The DFG Priority Program "EarthShape" (Earth Surface Shaping by Biota) uses this natural gradient to...

Physical and geochemical data on a drill core from the semi-arid Coastal Cordillera, Chile

Krone, Laura V. | Hampl, Ferdinand J. | Schwerdhelm, Christopher | Bryce, Casey | Ganzert, Lars | Kitte, Axel | Übernickel, Kirstin | Dielforder, Armin | Aldaz, Santiago | Oses-Pedraza, Rómulo | Perez, Jeffrey Paulo H. | Sanchez-Alfaro, Pablo | Wagner, Dirk | Weckmann, Ute | von Blanckenburg, Friedhelm


This dataset contains petrophysical, geochemical, and mineralogical data from a drilling core from the Coastal Cordillera, Chile. The drilling campaign in the semi-arid field site Reserve Santa Gracia was conducted in the framework of the “EarthShape” project (DFG SPP1803) to study deep...

Global cratonic lamproite-orangeite and related potassic rock compositions

Tappe, Sebastian


Global geochemistry database for cratonic / anorogenic lamproites and related potassic rocks (compiled and screened from GEOROC in April 2020). Related key publication: Ngwenya, Ntando S.; Tappe, Sebastian (2021): Diamondiferous lamproites of the Luangwa Rift in central Africa and...

2D grain size data of sandstones from the 3.2 Ga old Moodies Group, Barberton Greenstone Belt (South Africa)

Reimann, Sebastian | Zametzer, Andreas | Heubeck, Christoph


The Moodies Group (ca. 3.22-3.21 Ga) of the Barberton Greenstone Belt (BGB), South Africa, is the uppermost and youngest unit of the BGB, the largest and best-preserved Greenstone belt in the basement of the Kaapvaal Craton. It consists predominantly of fine- to coarse-grained, composi-tionally...

P³ - PetroPhysical Property Database

Bär, Kristian | Reinsch, Thomas | Bott, Judith


Petrophysical properties are key to populate numerical models of subsurface process simulations and for the interpretation of many geophysical exploration methods. They are characteristic for specific rock types and may vary considerably as a response to subsurface conditions (e.g....

Petrographic Classification Table for the PetroPhysical Property Database P³

Bär, Kristian | Mielke, Philipp | Knorz, Katharina


This data publication is part of the 'P³-Petrophysical Property Database' project, which has been developed within the EC funded project IMAGE (Integrated Methods for Advanced Geothermal Exploration, EU grant agreement No. 608553) and consists of a scientific paper, a full report on the...