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2930 data publications found

Geochemical compositions of igneous rocks of the Central Andean orocline

Wörner, Gerhard | Mamani, Mirian


Compilation of more than 1500 major- and trace-element data points, and 650 Sr-, 610 Nd-, and 570 Pb-isotopic analyses of Mesozoic-Cenozoic (190–0 Ma) magmatic rocks in southern Peru, northern Chile and Bolivia (Central Andean orocline). This compilation was initially published by Mamani et al....

PRESSurE suspended sediment data time series, Gorkha earthquake, Nepal

Andermann, Christoff | Puhl, David | Zimmermann, Bernhard | Hughes, Genevieve | Sitaula, Ambika Prasad | Adhikari, Basanta R. | Baidya, Krishna Pyari


This data set was taken within the Perturbations of Earth Surface Processes by Large Earthquakes PRESSurE Project (https://www.gfz-potsdam.de/en/section/geomorphology/projects/pressure/), Hazard and Risk Team (HART) project by the German Center for Geosciences GFZ Potsdam. This project aims...

Global distribution and composition of Neogene-Quaternary intraplate volcanic rocks

Ball, Patrick W.


Global database of  >20, 000 geochemical analyses of Neogene-Quaternary intraplate volcanic rocks. The database collates major, trace element and Sr-Nd-Pb isotopic data for whole-rock...

Palaeomagnetic results from some British tertiary dykes (Dataset)

Peter Dagley


Paleomagnetic, rock magnetic, or geomagnetic data found in the MagIC data repository from a paper titled: Palaeomagnetic results from some British tertiary dykes

Raman spectroscopy of carbonaceous matter on metasediments from the central Tauern Window (Eastern Alps)

Groß, Philip | Pleuger, Jan | Handy, Mark | Germer, Marisa | John, Timm


Raman spectroscopy of carbonaceous matter (RSCM) is commonly used to derive metamorphic peak- temperature estimates of metasedimentary rocks. This thermometry method exploits that the degree of graphitization of carbonateous matter (CM), which is measured via Raman spectroscopy, increases...

Surface deformation and topography data from analogue modelling experiments addressing triaxial tectonics in regions of distributed extension

Liu, Jun | Rosenau, Matthias | Brune, Sascha | Kosari, Ehsan | Rudolf, Michael | Oncken, Onno


This data set includes the results of high-resolution digital elevation models (DEM) and digital image correlation (DIC) analysis applied to analogue modelling experiments. Twenty generic analogue models are extended on top of a rubber sheet. Two benchmark experiments are also reported....

Database of mineral compositions within the lowermost oceanic crust accreted at fast-spreading ridges (Hess Deep, East Pacific Rise, IODP Leg 345)

Basch, Valentin | Sanfilippo, Alessio | Snow, Jonathan | Loocke, Matthew | Zanetti, Alberto


This database contains mineral major and trace element compositions of gabbroic rocks composing the lower oceanic crust accreted at the East Pacific Rise and recovered at Hess Deep during IODP Leg 345 (Gillis et al., 2014a). Hess Deep is located at 2°15’N, 101°30’W in the Pacific Ocean, at...

A database of caldera collapse analogue models stretched under extensional conditions

Maestrelli, Daniele | Facincani, Pietro | Corti, Giacomo | Bonini, Marco | Vannucchi, Paola | Del Ventisette, Chiara | Montanari, Domenico | Keir, Derek | Sani, Federico


This dataset presents the raw data from one experimental series (named CCEX, i.e., Caldera Collapse under regional Extension) of analogue models performed to investigate the process of caldera collapse followed by regional extension. Our experimental series tested the case of perfectly circular...

Paleosediment- and model-derived data used for the reconstruction of environmental conditions during the Holocene at the Bulusan Lake, Philippines

Prohaska, Ana | Seddon, Alistair W.R. | Meese, Bernd | Willis, Katherine J. | Chiang, John C. H. | Sachse, Dirk


This data publication contains the datasets generated in a study aiming at reconstructing paleoclimatic conditions during the late Holocene in northern Philippines. The data come from samples taken from sediment lakes retrieved from Bulusan Lake on the Luzon Island, Philippines. On these...

3D-ALPS-TR: A 3D thermal and rheological model of the Alpine lithosphere

Spooner, Cameron | Scheck-Wenderoth, Magdalena | Cacace, Mauro | Anikiev, Anikiev


Despite the amount of research focused on the Alpine orogen, significant unknowns remain regarding the thermal field and long term lithospheric strength in the region. Previous published interpretations of these features primarily concern a limited number of 2D cross sections, and those that...