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2930 data publications found

A co-seismic fault slip distribution for the Mw 7.5 2018 Palu earthquake

Lin Shen | D.B.T. (Taco) Broerse | Wim Simons | Nicolai Nijholt | Riccardo Riva | Hooper, Andy


This dataset contains a finite fault model of the co-seismic slip distribution of the 2018 Mw 7.5 Palu earthquake. This finite fault model was used in the study of post-seismic surface displacements following the 2018 Mw 7.5 Palu earthquake (in Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems entitled: A...

Supporting information for the article: Elastic geobarometry for anisotropic inclusions in anisotropic host minerals: quartz-in-zircon.

Joseph Gonzalez | Mattia Mazzucchelli | Ross John Angel | Matteo Alvaro


This dataset contains the supporting information for the article: Gonzalez et al. Elastic geobarometry for anisotropic inclusions in anisotropic host minerals: quartz-in-zircon. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth.These supplementary materials provide further details about the...

Dataset and scripts for "Quantifying natural sediment erodibility using a mobile oscillatory field flume"

Jaco Smit de | T.J. (Tjeerd) Bouma | Theo Gerkema | M.G. (Maarten) Kleinhans


Dataset and scripts for "Quantifying natural sediment erodibility using a mobile oscillatory flow channel"The dataset contains measurements and analyses of erodibility of defaunated sediments with a range in mud contents, erodibility measurements of sand using a range of wave periods, and...

Dataset of Element Compositions and Mean Zircon Hafnium Isotopes of Igneous Rocks underlying the research: A test of the hypothesis that syn-collisional felsic magmatism contributes to continental crustal growth

Xin Lin | Domenico Cicchella | Jun Hong | Ganggang Meng


The dataset contains the ages, thirty-five element compositions, and mean zircon εHf(t) compositions of igneous rocks. The data is extracted from the database GEOROC and Tibetan Magmatism Database. The lithology in the dataset includes andesitic, anorthositic, basaltic, dacitic, dioritic,...

Data underlying the survey on Elasticity of hcp Fe-H alloy.

Shichuan Sun | Yu He | Duck Young Kim | Heping Li | Ho-Kwang Mao


To share the metadata regarding on elasticity of hcp-Fe alloys, we have uploaded all the XDATCAR files produced in our calculations. Elastic constants of FeH0.25 (0, 2000, 3000, 4000, 5000 and 6000 K), FeH0.0625 (6000 K), FeH0.125 (6000 K) and FeH0.375 (6000 K) at 360 GPa and FeH0.25 (5500 K...

Data underlying the research of Cataclastic Flow deformation and consequent hydro-mechanical evolution in high porosity rock

Arghya Das


Abaqus output file: Triaxial compression test response under 300 MPa confinement of high porous Bentheim sandstone using Finite Elements. A damage-breakage model proposed by was used for this analysis. Besides flow analysis is also carried out to understand the change in hydraulic response...

Data underlying the research on: An integrated approach to the key parameters in methanol-to-olefins reaction catalyzed by MFI/MEL zeolite materials

Chuncheng Liu | Evgeny A. Uslamin | Sophie H. van Vreeswijk | Irina Yarulina | Swapna Ganapathy | Bert M. Weckhuysen | Freek Kapteijn | Evgeny A. Pidko


Identification of the catalyst characteristics correlating with the key performance parameters including selectivity and stability is key to the rational catalyst design. Herein we focused on the identification of property-performance relationships in the methanol-to-olefin (MTO) process by...

Data accompanying the paper entitled "Rapid normal stress oscillations cause dilatation and weakening in gouge-bearing faults"

Jianye Chen | André R Niemeijer


In some scenarios, faults in the crust are withstanding rapid stress changes of different magnitudes, such as those from nearby or remote earthquakes, seasonal impoundment and discharge of reservoirs, and hydrocarbon and geothermal energy production. The impact of such stress changes on the...

Data from manuscript: Experimental and simulation data of cluster size distribution and average cluster size

Yogesh Shelke | Susana Marín-Aguilar | Fabrizio Camerin | Marjolein Dijkstra | Daniela J. Kraft


Datasets belonging to research on the self-assembly of colloidal molecules prepared from positively charged colloidal hematite cubes and negatively charged colloidal spheres. The data sets contain experimental and simulated data on the cluster size distribution and average cluster size of...

The magnetostratigraphy and a 1780 Ma palaeomagnetic pole from the red sandstones of the Vazhinka River section, Karelia, Russia (Dataset)

S. A. Pisarevsky | S. J. Sokolov


Paleomagnetic, rock magnetic, or geomagnetic data found in the MagIC data repository from a paper titled: The magnetostratigraphy and a 1780 Ma palaeomagnetic pole from the red sandstones of the Vazhinka River section, Karelia, Russia