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2930 data publications found

Data accompanying the paper entitled "Fault weakening during short seismic slip pulse experiments: The role of pressurized water and implications for induced earthquakes in the Groningen gas field"

Jianye Chen | André R Niemeijer


 In the Groningen gas field of the Netherlands, induced seismic events have occurred since the 1990s. The strongest event occurred in 2012 with a magnitude of MW 3.6. How faults slip during such small magnitude earthquakes (i.e., magnitude 3 – 4) is not clear, despite several recent studies. We...

Geothermal Project on TU Delft Campus - DAPGEO-02 Initial Borehole Dataset

Philip Vardon | Hemmo A Abels | Auke Barnhoorn | Stijn Beernink | Anne-Catherine Dieudonne | Guy Drijkoningen | Susanne Laumann | Liliana Vargas Meleza


This initial data release contains information collected from the multi-purpose research borehole DAPGEO-02, which is part of the seismic monitoring network of the geothermal research project on TU Delft Campus.  The borehole DAPGEO-02 makes up the central location of a seismic monitoring. It...

Data underlying the publication: Analogies of graphene oxide synthesized from low-ranked leonardite coal extracted bio-carbon humic acid with conventional graphene oxide

Lucia Rathinasamy | Balasubramanian Natesan


This study investigates humic acid [HA] derived from low ranked leonardite coal [LC] as an eco-friendly carbon precursor for graphene oxide synthesis, replacing conventional graphite with the modified Hummer’s method. The objective is to assess the physicochemical properties of leonardite humic...

Supplementary data for the package DIMOPREC (Development of a Well Impairment Model for Predicting Geothermal Clogging)

Ahmed Hussain | Karl-Heinz Wollf | Bernard Meulenbroek | Negar Khoshnevis Gargar | Wouter van der Star | Hans Bruining | Han Claringbould | Isabelle Llaneza


<ul> <li>Water composition of four different geothermal fields in the west Netherlands basin.</li> <li>Annual meetings slide packages.</li> <li>PHREEQC/iCP/COMSOL input files for sensitivity analysis, field case and others.</li> </ul>

Data underlying the publication: Testbed Hardware Design to Collect Data for Underground PVC Water Pipe Crack Detection: Challenges and Solutions

Cao Vinh Tran


This dataset are from the experiment to investigate crack, temperature and external soil stress impact on the pressure-strain characteristic. They include raw (file rawdata.zip) and processed data, as well as the Matlab code (file processdata.zip) Details are in attached file...

Geothermal Project on TU Delft Campus - DAPGEO-02 Core CT-Scan Data

Philip Vardon | Anne-Catherine Dieudonne | Hemmo A Abels | Stijn Beernink | Ellen Meijvogel-de Koning | Auke Barnhoorn | Susanne Laumann | Liliana Vargas Meleza


This dataset contains the CT-scan data of rock cores collected from the DAPGEO-02 research borehole, one of the monitoring boreholes of the geothermal project on TU Delft Campus. Complemetary data and information about the cores are published in Geothermal Project on TU Delft Campus - DAPGEO-02...

Geothermal Project on TU Delft Campus - DAPGEO-02 Drilling Report

Philip J. Vardon | Hemmo A Abels | Auke Barnhoorn | Anne-Catherine Dieudonné | Guy Drijkoningen | Stijn Beernink | Susanne Laumann | Tobias Schmiedel | Pieter Geris | Pieter Pauw


This report describes the installation of the multi-purpose research borehole called DAPGEO-02, which was installed in the period February - May 2022 at the Delftse Hout. It is the third of four seismic monitoring locations of the seismic monitoring network for the geothermal research project...

Raw absorbance and fluorescence measurements of water samples during Nodularia spumigena bloom event on Lake Bante in Wilhelmshaven, Germany

Mario Luis Miranda Montenegro | Michelle Albinus | Shungudzemwoyo P. Garaba


 Water sampling was conducted aboard a small electric motor powered vessel on Lake Bante in Wilhelmshaven, Germany during a Nodularia spumigena bloom event (25 August 2022). Samples were kept in the dark and stored at below -4 °C until further analyses were conducted. First the samples were...

Raw absorbance and fluorescence measurements of water samples during Nodularia spumigena 2021 bloom event on Lake Bante in Wilhelmshaven, Germany

Mario Luis Miranda Montenegro | Shungudzemwoyo P. Garaba


 Water sampling was conducted from the shoreline of Lake Bante in Wilhelmshaven, Germany. A very dense Nodularia spumigena bloom was taking place on the day of sampling 16 August 2021. Samples were kept in the dark and stored at 4 °C until further analyses were conducted. First the samples were...

Data underlying the conference paper: Benchmarking analytical and numerical simulation of induced fault slip", paper ARMA 23-695

Jan Dirk Jansen


A small Excel file with data used to generate plots in a conference paper. Purpose of the paper is to provide analytical solutions that can serve as test problems for numerical tools to describe depletion-induced or injection-induced fault slip.Reference:Novikov, A.V., Shokrollahzadeh...