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2930 data publications found

Geothermal Project on TU Delft Campus - Database of physical samples from wells DEL-GT-01 and DEL-GT-02

Liliana Vargas Meleza | Kaylee Elliott | Hemmo A Abels | Auke Barnhoorn


This data set contains the relational database with the information about all physical samples collected during the installation of the geothermal well on TU Delft campus, between June and November of 2023. The full description of the data collection methods is provided in the End-of-well...

Fault reactivation from reservoir to fault scale: visualisation data

Martin Lesueur


<p>Visualisation of fault reactivation at two different scales, reservoir and fault. Plot of pressure equilibration across the fault and change of permeability.</p>

Matlab files used to produce the figures in the publication: On the Derivation of Closed-Form Expressions for Displacements, Strains and Stresses Inside Poroelastic Reservoirs

Pavan Cornelissen | Jan Dirk Jansen


MATLAB code to recreate figures from the paper:Cornelissen, P., Meulenbroek, B.J., Jansen, J.D., (2023). On the Derivation of Closed-Form Expressions for Displacements, Strains and Stresses Inside Poroelastic Reservoirs. Submitted to JGR Solid Earth.The MATLAB scripts are used to compute the...

Geothermal Project on TU Delft Campus - DEL-GT-01 and DEL-GT-02 Wireline Logs

Auke Barnhoorn | Andrea Vondrak | Susanne Laumann | Beer van Esser | Liliana Vargas Meleza | Hemmo A Abels | Philip J. Vardon


An extensive wireline logging campaign was undertaken during the installation of the geothermal doublet on TU Delft Campus, between June and November of 2023. This large suite of open-hole well logs acquired in the reservoir section of both wells, being DEL-GT-01 the producer and DEL-GT-02...

Supporting data for "Early detection of stress changes and failure using acoustic measurements - Chapter 6 Monitoring stress variations in layered offset samples in a true triaxial setting"

Aukje Veltmeijer | Milad Naderloo


<p>Acoustic monitoring of fault reactivation experiments in a True triaxial apparatus. Includes active acoustic waveforms, loading data (stress in three directions, pore fluid and displacement) and passive acoustic recordings.</p>

Dataset underlying the publication: Going from Inner-Skinned to Outer-Skinned Polyelectrolyte Multilayer Based Hollow Fiber Nanofiltration Membranes

Tjerk Watt | Joris de Grooth | Esra te Brinke | Joris de Grooth | Kyra van Dijk


The data is always named after the support membrane that was analyzed. The conditions under which the supports were fabricated including their name can be found in the file "Hollow_Fibre_spinning_conditions_with_Sample_names.csv" included in this folder. In some cases the supports were also...

Data underlying the publication: Multiscale experimental study of H2/brine multiphase flow in porous rock characterizing relative permeability hysteresis, hydrogen dissolution, and Ostwald ripening

Maartje Boon | Tim Rademaker | Hadi Hajibeygi


The dataset contains the CT image and pressure data of a core flood test where hydrogen and brine are co-injected into a Berea Sandstone rock core to measure relative permeability hysteresis. Two no-flow periods are included in the experiment to characterize hydrogen redistribution in the...

Data and code related to the manuscript "Morphological analysis of polydisperse nanoplatelets using SAXS"

Laura van Hazendonk | Remco Tuinier | Lauren Matthews | Heiner Friedrich | Mark Vis


In the work related to this dataset, we propose&nbsp;a fast and quantitative method for the in situ characterization of dispersions of polydisperse nanoplatelets on the example of graphene nanoplatelets (GNPs) and gibbsite. The method relies on synchrotron small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS)....

Geothermal Project on TU Delft Campus – DEL-GT-01 core CT-scan data

Auke Barnhoorn | Hemmo A Abels | Gian Beekman | Stijn Beernink | Juliette Bruining | Kaylee Elliott | Beer van Esser | Philip J. Vardon | Tara Graafland | Susanne Laumann


A total of ~86 m of core were recovered from the producer well DELGT-01, of which 70 m are in a continuous sequence. The purpose was to core the caprock and the upper reservoir deposits. Cores have a diameter of 4 inches and were cut into 1 meter long sections. Each section have been...

Database of Experimental Data on Three Geothermal Plays in the Netherlands from the ProperBase Project

Parvin Kolah Kaj | Hemmo A Abels | A. (Auke) Barnhoorn | Liliana Vargas Meleza | Philip J. Vardon


This database was developed as part of the ProperBase project at TU Delft, focusing on geothermal plays in the Netherlands. It compiles both existing and newly measured data on core samples, covering properties like wellbore, mineralogy, imaging, and mechanical/thermal traits. Built in...